Stories · Travel · Uncategorized

Manifestations and the CEE Program – Living a Dream

Have you ever felt the power of manifestation? Have you prayed so hard for something to happen in your life? Well, I have. Life, it is strange.. One minute it can be chaos, it will make you scream and cry out to the skies that why did it let this happen to you; and the… Continue reading Manifestations and the CEE Program – Living a Dream


Trying To Sum Up My Own Thoughts About The Elections.

If you’re following the current affairs of the world, and in particular of a country called Pakistan in the South Asian geographic region. You must be aware that the country is preparing itself for its General Elections that are to take place on the 25th of July 2018. The time for elections is quickly approaching,… Continue reading Trying To Sum Up My Own Thoughts About The Elections.


A Grief Observed – Book Review

C.S Lewis best known for his works of fiction especially the Chronicles of Narnia, writes about grief as the title itself suggests. The book itself is a collection of writings from time to time as Lewis goes about experiencing grief, it flows in terms of like various diary entries or a blog where he pours… Continue reading A Grief Observed – Book Review

Pakistan · Travel

From the Arabian Sea to the Karakoram

Mark Twain once said, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” These words ring true on so many levels. All… Continue reading From the Arabian Sea to the Karakoram


Musings At Midnight

There are a lot of deadly combinations in the world, these combinations can make the world explode, make the earth shake and move mountains.  One of the deadliest combination I have come across is not something someone thought of in a laboratory or anything. It is that of one girl, her thoughts and a song… Continue reading Musings At Midnight