
Kiss Me, I’m Irish Book Tag.

Huh such a weird name for a tag, but anyways I was nominated a long while back by Joey @ Thoughts and After Thoughts quite some time back and I have finally gotten around to do it since I was busy with exams!

Here goes nothing:

Green: A book with a green cover

The only book that comes to my mind at the moment is: Perks of being a wallflower.

Blarney: A book that deceived you into either liking it or was overhyped and you ended up disliking it.

Let’s just skip this one, as I am not sure.

Brogue (dialect): A book where one of the characters has an accent.

This book tag is hard, if I am completely honest in my head 90% of the characters in the books I read have accents.

Leprechaun: A book you enjoyed when you were a little person.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley when I was a wee little fellow.

Pot of Gold: A book that cost you a lot or is of great value to you.

I live in a country where most of the books are imported, unless I go to an old books shop. Therefore all the books I buy are at least 700-900 bucks minimum (paper back) so pretty much all of them?

Four-leaf clover or shamrock: four leaves = more than one book. Pick your current or old favorite series.

The Harry Potter series, The Hunger Games Trilogy and the Hush Hush Saga. (I could go on)

Magic: A book that you found magical or a book where you enjoyed a magic element that was found in the storyline.

Harry Potter’s cloak of invisibility and Hermoine’s time turner.. Pretty much everything from my beloved series.

Kiss: Your current favorite book pairing or your all time favorite book pairing.

See, I want to say Harry and Hermoine but Ms. J.K Rowling didn’t pair them together. So  I am going to say Sydney and Adrian from the Golden Lily (Vampire Academy Spin off) series.

Luck: A book on your shelf that you will luckily get to… someday.

Teardrop by Lauren Kate.

Jig: A book that if you don’t currently own but if could get a hold of it- it would make you dance with joy. (Can be a book that isn’t released yet or a book you would really like to own)

Honestly just give me any new book to add my shelf, I will be a very happy girl. 😀

Time To Tag

The Orang-utan Librian




The Panda Book Blog

The Diary Of A Lonely Girl


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